Tag Archives: Spread The Geek

The Life and Times of the Socially Awkward #2: Spread The Nerd

I’ve been wanting, for some time now, to take action in the industry I invest so much time into and do something active within it.  Being that my attempts at creating my own comic book are far from realized I can’t add to the industry.  But what I can do is bring awareness about it.  For starters, with digital comics becoming same day as release of the print version we’re, inevitably going to see a decrease in print sales.  That decrease in sales could eventually lead to driving local comic shops out of business and then what’ll we be left with?  Not a @#!*% thing.

I come to you with this, friends.  My Life as a Geek’s “Spread the Geek” project.  I propose that you scrounge your long boxes and book shelves for books that you haven’t looked at or even thought about in months.  Look for those titles that brought you back into the game when you weren’t sure you wanted to keep on going.  Buy a new graphic novel, for all I care.  The point is, put it in a box and send it to someone you know that doesn’t have the exposure to this stuff that you do, that you think might enjoy it.  Buy an extra copy of something and give it to some kid who’s walking in as you’re leaving.  The idea is to spread comics out across the nation, maybe even the world, who knows.  But I offer this task at the same time;  when you spread the word, request that the person you’re sharing with do the same.  If you’re sending out a comics care package, offer a keepsake of some kind.  Buy a print from your favorite artist (geek or otherwise).  And help them get some more recognition that you’ve always felt they so rightly deserve.  It’s one thing to say “I wish this got more recognition.”  It’s something completely different to give it that recognition.  So, when you’re sending your comics send a note that instructs the recipient to do the same, send or give the same books and the letter to someone else.

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